In a world where existing independently is virtually impossible, there is every need to be in close relations with the people around you. This principle actually applies to countries as well. The Latin American community is fully aware of the need to have close relations with the international community. But, the international community comprises many entities.
Much as it is vital to have close ties with almost every country on the planet, there are certain countries that every country cannot afford to be in bad terms with. In particular, having close ties with the US and China is important to any country on the earth.
The Latin American community is fully aware of the need to cement its ties with both the US and China. In a bid to understand the stance of Latin American nations on the issue of having smooth relations with both China and the US, the passage discusses a number of important topics patterning to this subject.
Latin America and China

China is an important figure in the affairs of the world. Its economy plays a huge role in the sustenance of the global economy based on its notable contribution to the world’s economy. Not shocking, the Chinese government had played an instrumental role in reviving the European economy following the recent European economic crisis. Also, china had helped the US to get back on its feet following the 2008 global financial crisis. Africa has also benefited greatly from foreign direct investment from China. There are numerous benefits that come with having close ties with china and the Latin American community is fully aware of this. China believes that it can also benefit greatly from having smooth relations with the Latin American region. It is safe to say that the relationship that exists between the two is a symbiotic one. China’s commitment to the cementation of relations with the Latin American nations is highlighted in China’s Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean.

Latin America and US
Like china, the US is an important nation in both economic and political affairs of the world. As the world superpower, it remains one of the world’s most important nations. The US and China benefit greatly from Latin American nations. In the recent past, relations between the US and Latin America has not been as strong as it was in the past. Most notably, the US has focused on migration concerns along with the sale of illegal drugs by immigrants from Mexico and Columbia. But, the Task force which was initiated by the government to asses the relationship between the US and Latin America has recommended the need to focus on fostering development in the Latin American region. This is even going to become more important in the near future as the construction of the Mexico boarder looms coupled with a significant number of moves patterning to ranging from travel bans to business limitations.